The Universe
A Dirty white Cemented canvas which says ...Dont Just do Enough To get by..Do engough to GET AHEAD...Let your EFFORTS RISE above your EXCUSES...(FUNDE)...The posters
A lifeless but glowing state of matter all jamn packed in a sealed glass cylinder..connected with a few metal wires....The one and only LOTUS ECONOMY SUPER tubelight.
Five dead GHOSTS accompanied by a Underlying DEVIL with their life in a distant fruit, who always scream at the top of their lungs ....My 5.1 Intex Speakers with remote (:D)
Millions, Billions, Trillions of white,black,blue,red,yellow,cotton,rayon,wollen,acrylic,polyster,khadi,silk,Indian,
American fibres forcefully, willfully, skillfully entangled among themselves...MY clothes..
Four Large hollow cylinders towering not so high taking the weight of composite cellulose slab which in turn supports a massive living tissue weighing 75Kgs and I guess a lot more....MY BED
Dead tissue once,they lukily fell in the hands of stranger who transformed them into irregular but symetric, lifeless but attractive, Hollow but comfortable, themselves nonliving but generally full upto their neck with life supporting entitites.... MY SHOES.
A Cubiod, a truncated pryamid, which are home to a colony of 6 legged creatures called spiders living happily and over which are present PRINCE, a ceramic sleeping MOON, A Baby with his puppy, Two love BIRDS in their privacy, a calcium carbonate carapace. Despite all this the Cubiod is just good at it's work... MY 2 GHz AMD,256MB,40GB CPU and its wife..the 17" COLOREAL Monitor living with their son an daugther the Compaq keyboard and mouse.
A Three winged creature which rotates as fast as the passenger train wheel and is perfectly fit to get into service as a PROPELLOR for 1st world war fighter plane. the FAN
Cubes and cubiods, Thick and Thin, Light and Heavy, Old and New, Touched and Untouched, Usefull and Useless, Self owned and Borrowed, Pirated and Original, Dilapidated and Superb Organic matter which are supposed to be the SUPERPOWER in this UNIVERSE of mine......myBOOKS
All the above mentioned forming a perfect Habitat for a aptly adapted creature called ME living in a perfect harmony, in a confined space of 15*12*10 feet space form my UNIVERSE ......ROOM no B309,RK hall, IIT kgp.....MY ROOM
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